

Last month I travelled to Berlin for the opening of 'Atlas der Abenteuer' at the Krumulus gallery & bookstore. Below are a selection of photos from the exhibition. A BIG thanks to everyone who came, and to Anna at Krumulus for organising the show - I had a great time!

The exhibition is on until the end of August, so if you're based in Berlin do pop along! More info can be found over at www.krumulus.com

Krumulus window display

View of the gallery inside

Different suitcases full of adventures!

Some of my original sketches and paintings from the book

Children's drawing workshop: showing how to re-create characters from the book

Live music: singing songs from around the globe

Making mini-suitcases!

Signing copies of 'Atlas der Abenteuer'

You can also read a recent interview I did about the making of 'Atlas of Adventures' and life as an illustrator over at: www.wideeyededitions.com/blog